Adding new user to Redis Cluster

How to add or update service account credentials on a Redis cluster
Jan 4, 2024 Β· 146 words Β· 1 minute read

Introduction πŸ”—

I run Redis Cluster in K8S. I need to manage client access for service accounts.

Currently I do this manually using the following process.

Connect to Redis Cluster πŸ”—

Ensure your kubectl is configured to use the appropriate cluster.

export IP=$(kubectl -n redis get svc redis-redis-cluster -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')
export REDISCLI_AUTH=$(kubectl -n redis get secret --namespace "redis" redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d)
redis-cli -c -h $IP

This should give you a redis-cli prompt like the following:>

Actions πŸ”—

If you change the ACL table using the commands described below, be sure to list the users and copy the updated configuration into your IaC repository.

List users πŸ”—


Create a new user πŸ”—

ACL SETUSER servicename on allkeys +@all >secretpassword


Update a user πŸ”—

Same as for creating a new user, except you should also remove the old/redundant password.

ACL SETUSER servicename on allkeys +@all >secretpassword